Showering Kindness

Showering Kindness

Showering Kindness is a charitable program that allows members of our local community to nominate individuals who are deserving of a newer or safer shower.

Our goal is to help them bathe carefully with dignity. If you know of a person or persons in need of a safe, new shower to accommodate their age or special needs, please submit their name, contact information and back story in the form below.

One deserving nominee will be selected every six months and the installation will be performed free of charge by the caring craftsman at Bath Depot.

Thank you for taking the time to help us, help others.

    All fields are required.

    Nominee's First Name:

    Nominee's Last Name:

    Nominee's Email Address:

    Nominee's Phone Number:

    Nominee's Address:

    Nominee's City:

    Nominee's State:

    Nominee's Zip Code:

    Nominee's Caregiver:

    Caregiver's Phone Number:

    Your relation to the nominee:

    Is the nominee any of the following:

    Additional qualifications of nominee:
